• rehabright1@gmail.com
  • +91 04040 53300

Recovery following shoulder arthroscopy:

Please remember "Prehab"- exercises prior to the surgery (where applicable) is as important as "Rehab" – exercises after your surgery.
"Stay ahead of the pain" – take your prescribed pain killers to keep the pain at bay and to start your exercises with minimal discomfort.

Phase 1: (1 to 5 days post surgery)
Protect the wound or surgical site
Ensure wound healing
Use your sling apart from when doing exercises

Pendular exercises x 2 sets of 20 reps
Scapular retraction and elevation x 2 sets of 20 reps
Lying supine, external rotation and and arm elevation x 2 sets of 10 reps
Take adequate rest and pain killers if necessary

Phase 2: (1-6 weeks post surgery)
Restore non-painful range of motion (ROM)
Minimize muscle wasting or joint stiffness
Minimize stress to healing structures and muscles

Start with isometric execises for the shoulder and arm
Strengthen scapula thoracic and scapula humeral junctions through given exercises
Your therapist may have taught you self-mobilization techniques, now is the time to use them.
Aim for near to full range of motion

Phase 3 (6 weeks to full recovery)
Improve your strength, ROM and endurance
Improve neuromuscular control and any work or sport specific activities

Continue with dumbbell and resistance band exercises
Start plyometric exercises for rotator cuff and shoulder (not more than 2 to 3 times a week)
Diagonal pattern and isokinetic exercises.
This is an overall view of the rehab protocol. Of course, there is always a change or scope of rehab from one individual to another.
At Rehab Right, we are here to support you prior and post-surgery right up until you feel confident and independent to carry out on your own. Please speak or write to us for further support. We undertake rehab for all types of surgeries and procedures. You are welcome!