• rehabright1@gmail.com
  • 0404053300

At Rehab Right, we have over 18 years of working in disabilities sector with 14 years of experience as a Highly Specialist Physiotherapist for adults with learning disabilities in the UK from 2005 to 2017 and supporting NDIS clients since 2017 in Australia.
We can confidently state that we have a holistic, person-centred approach from the initial stages supporting throughout the life span of the individual. We will support you:

- Initial assessment and report to submit to the NDIS
- Report to support funding and rationale for right level of support
- Regular Physiotherapy sessions depending on need and funding
- Liaison with multi-disciplinary teams and agencies
- Act as an advocate for the NDIS client
- Risk and Contingency planning
- Yearly and periodical report as required.
- Carer/staff training to maximise support and reduce stress

If there is one thing, we have learnt at Rehab Right in 18 years of disabilities service, it is that no individual is the same, the approach and care provided needs to be individualised and altered for optimal results. With Rehab Right, you are in the right place!