Common issues in Dementia for Physiotherapists:
Time- you just can't hurry it up!
Space: keep it simple, keep it familiar
Activity: Action, Reaction, repeat
Awareness: Not all are aware of the condition
Physiotherapists can make a valuable contribution to the assessment and management of dementia clients, training for family members and carers supporting dementia clients and hold periodical review of the services provided. As a Physiotherapist working with dementia clients for the past 17 years, here are a few tips I have learnt to supporting them better.
Time: you just can't hurry it up!
Dementia clients need more time than your regular patients in carrying out exercises and activities. Set aside a buffer time before and after the session to plan your session. Keep the session to a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes with 2-minute breaks in-between.
Space: Keep it simple, keep it familiar
Try to keep the space obstruction free and minimal to avoid any confusion. It will help to differentiate the furniture, walkway, and steps with different colours to understand better. The more they remember the space, the less confused they will be. If you are treating them in their own home, then take pictures and include them in your home program.
Activity: Action, Reaction, repeat.
Keep the exercises simple. Teach the action, watch their reaction, and then improvise until they are comfortable. Once, they learn the activity, stick with it regularly for better results. The exercises need to be tuned in line with the stage that they are in. Walking exercises are great in the initial stage but bed-based activity is better (safer) in the later stages of dementia.
Awareness: Not all are aware of the condition:
Dementia although is gaining traction into mainstream therapy, it is relatively less understood or misunderstood on how to manage. Remember, it is not a disease but a spectrum which gradually develops in mental, psychological, and then physical deterioration. We can't stop it, but we surely can slow it down, reduce the anxiety and help family support the clients better.
At Rehab Right, we have the right approach. Please call or write to discuss any suggestions or queries.